Photoline’s certification to this standard ensures that all customers receive the same high quality service whilst being confident in the environmental awareness of their supply chain.
ISO 14001 is currently the most popular standard within the print industry, however a study carried out across the printing industry in Europe revealed that 40.5% of printing firms found implementing the certification too costly and time consuming, 27% saw no need in the certification whatsoever and 31% saw it as unnecessary because of no customer demand.
Photoline however, certainly isn’t part of these figures. Over Photoline’s 30 year history the business has embraced 3rd part auditing and certification as part of continuous business improvement. This attitude has led to Photoline becoming long standing members of Construction line, the UK register of pre-qualified construction services in relation to their services to the construction industry, CAD printing and design printing services.
Photoline also have another accreditation under their belt, ISO9001 Quality Management. These certifications when combined, lead to a high quality, reliable and ethical service customers count upon time & time again.
Sarah McGrady, a Director at Photoline commented:
‘We are very proud to have achieved ISO 14001, we use certifications and accreditations to ensure that we stay at the very top of our industry whilst allowing us to supply top quality, same day and super fast printing services to a wide range of clients across multiple industries’